So, I can barely type today. Holding my hands to the keyboard is causing all sorts of pain. You see, last weekend, I went rowing.
"Rowing??!@#", I hear you say, "Don't you use your legs for that? Doesn't that require some sort of balance so you don't fall in? How about you spend your weekends on the couch, watching Martha, and having a little cup of tea?"
No!!! Why sit at home in the safety of your own teapot when you can make an idiot of yourself in public!
You see, this was not a brave new world into which I was venturing. I'm familiar with the work of the rower. Very, very familiar with the work of the rower. You see, last year, I volunteered to be the cox for my university's team in a charity rowing event. Now, for those of you who were there, I'm sure you had a vision that just popped into your head, and surprisingly, it wasn't of me. For those who weren't, here is the story:
Each team was allocated a coach, and our team was allocated quite the lady's man. And what better way to show off being a "lady's man" than to wear lycra shorts.... all the time.... not just during sport. And what better way to show off these lycra shorts than to make sure they are bright in colour.... well, not all of the shorts. Our coach persistently wore black lycra shorts, with a middle strip of flouro green. Yes, the universe had used a highlighter pen to illuminate his "gentleman's area" (hahahahahahha.... sorry, I just really wanted to use that phrase).
Also, what better way to make a highlighted area stand out than to present it first. So, our coach had perfected a way to stand with his knees and shoulders in alignment, but his penis about 3 foot in front of him. Each to their own, I say, except when I'm sitting beside him. I had to be careful not to turn around too quickly, or I might have poked my eye out.
Anyway, this coach was very good at rowing, and very helpful to our team. However, as much as I tried to dabble in the coxing (ooohh.. blankety-blanks style double entendre!), my back just wouldn't stand up to the motion of the boat, so I had to stop. The first day after I left, our coach became the "fill-in" cox (and again!). If you can imagine how this man stands, imagine that sitting down as he sat in the cox-box (I'm not joking!! That's what it's called!!) My friend, Wendy, was in the first seat, as the first stroke (seriously!! again, not the name I chose), and she had to be particularly careful not to live up to that name!
So, as you can imagine, I ventured to rowing last weekend with a little trepidation.
Well, it was fine, everyone was appropriately clothed, and all coaches stood with their body's in proper alignment. Phew!
Now, when I say it was fine, I clearly was not talking about the actual rowing. The boat had been adapted so you don't need to use your legs. There are floaty devices on the side so it's hard to tip. It looks easy. It isn't.
I bobbed around in circles on the Maribyrnong river like the universe was playing a sick game of "spin the bottle".
However, here's a photo to prove I've been there.
Cheers, I'm off to highlight some pants.
Oh dear, I had successfully repressed that memory Lisa, now it's all coming back... how can I forget the leaopard skin outline of meat and two veg at the after party.
Wendy, you have such a lovely turn of phrase. hahahahahah and ewwwww
I really admire your spirit. I would like to think that should I lose the ability to use my legs that won't also lose my ability to get out of bed and into the world, but I just can't be sure of that. You seem to have maintained a sense of adventure and a witty personality. To that I say you go girl!
You have an informative blog. I’ve learned something from it. I do have mine too Thanks
Wow. What a way to get to know someone. I'm talking about my experience of this entry being my first read of your blog. I suppose that was quite a way to get to know the coach too.
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